Articles - page 4

How to turn down Intel and become a billionaire: the success story of Jeff Bezos

How to turn down Intel and become a billionaire: the success story of Jeff Bezos

The idea of online retail has made Bezos the richest person on the planet. In this material we talk about what principles have helped a businessman to overcome obstacles to success.
Bill Gates: Millionaire, Businessman, Philanthropist

Bill Gates: Millionaire, Businessman, Philanthropist

How did Microsoft's co-founder became one of the richest and most powerful people in the world and what principles helped his success
Libra – hype, revolution or sham?

Libra – hype, revolution or sham?

Over the past few weeks, Libra has probably become the most discussed topic in all media outlets. There is a lot of speculation around the topic: someone views initiative as a threat, while others believe that it is a long-awaited breakthrough.
Boston Dynamics. Company history

Boston Dynamics. Company history

How the company became the most famous robot manufacturer without building a single commercial model, and what can be expected from Boston Dynamics in the future

Exoskeleton – a dream that becomes a reality in the modern world

The majority of the achievements people have reached were driven by the human desire to be faster, higher and stronger.This is noticeable in daily life and different areas of culture like sports and technologies. People want to surpass themselves and others, and, of course, make their life easier.

QUIZ: What do you know about network marketing?

Check whether you fully assess the scope of network marketing by answering our questions.

Stars, Networks, The Future: Starlink Satellite Internet

It is difficult to imagine a world without the Internet in 2019. We are so accustomed to the capabilities and amenities of the World Wide Web that sometimes we forget that the Internet became part of the general public’s life relatively recently.

Making the difficult easy: Everything you need to know about the dark matter of the Universe

Dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries in contemporary science. While there is no direct evidence to its existence, many indirect factors show that not only does dark matter exist, but it actually has a decisive impact on the Universe.

TEST: Emotional intelligence: a resource that raises business efficiency by 30%

We are aware that Hitecher readers set high goals for themselves. You most likely aspire to leadership and advancing your career. We have prepared a test that will help you to evaluate your emotional intelligence level and be a good guide of how to enhance it

What are lasers?

Lasers are a source of great excitement, often reminding us of science fiction films and future scientific developments. These devices seem supernatural, and have been employed by creators of blockbusters...

What is transhumanism?

Can science and technology not only change a person's life, but contribute to their self-improvement? What are the pros and cons of artificial intervention in the evolutionary process? These questions are at the core of the concept of transhumanism.

Coin Acceptance and exchange - find Crypto ATM closest to you

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies in the world today. According to the Coinmarketcap analytical portal alone, there are 861 of them. In fact, there are many more digital coins as the portal does not add...

Contemporary science and medicine in the fight against cancer

In just a few years, scientists are hoping to achieve a breakthrough in diagnostics and treatment of oncological diseases. Modern technologies like artificial intelligence and VR are already finding widespread...

How technology transformed the gaming industry

For decades, the development of the gaming industry has been closely linked with scientific discoveries and novelties in the world of computing technologies. Let’s take a look at how the evolution of engineering impacted the development of the entertainment industry.

Why are people afraid of vaccines?

Ever since the very first smallpox vaccine, there have been people who feared or even openly opposed vaccines. Today, the anti-vaccination movement is gaining traction in many countries around the globe. Why do people distrust methods that have saved humanity from so many deadly diseases?

The Darknet

The Darknet is a part of the Internet that is not accessible to regular users. Essentially, it is a hidden network established by trusted peers (participants) using unconventional ports and protocols, thus...

How technology can kill your business

Technological progress opens new opportunities for companies, but it also threatens anyone who fails to adapt to new market conditions. What’s more, the same strategy can be disastrous for a small startup but perfect for a large corporation

Social engineering

Social engineering is a set of psychological techniques used to gain access to information. It is often incorrectly assumed that social engineering is used exclusively in cyber fraud and other illegal...

Nanotechnology: making thinner jewelry

What is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is a combination of many scientific disciplines, which include physics, chemistry, biology, and others. The prefix «nano» means one billionth of a part of something....

Open government: what data the state is ready to disclose?

Governments of different countries are increasingly coming to the practice of more open management and providing more and more data on the work of departments. Nevertheless, to what extent are the authorities really ready to share information with the public? Moreover, where is the boundary between security, data protection, freedom of information and the interests of citizens?

3D printing: from cakes to firearms

3D used to be known exclusively in cinemas. But in recent years 3D printing has become increasingly popular, and is sometimes called alternative design. The technology was first introduced in 1984. After several decades it has the possibility to change the world beyond recognition.

When to expect a global wireless Internet

SpaceX, Google, Facebook and other companies are working to create a new wireless infrastructure. The developers will not only have to solve the complex engineering problems of moving the Internet into the stratosphere or into orbit, but also to deal with the space debris, to withstand competition and come to agreement with politicians and antitrust services

Correcting genetic mistakes with CRISPR/Cas

CRISPR/Cas is one of the most promising technologies developed in the field of genetic engineering in the past few years. Scientists have managed to transform bacterial immune systems, allowing them to make precise modifications to any organism’s genome. Some of the potential applications of this technology are treatment of hereditary diseases, creation of next-level antibiotics, and genetic modification of animals and plants.