hitecher explains

Why did dinosaurs become extinct? When will the sun die? Can artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence? In the #hitecher_explains section, we answer the most popular questions from the world of science and technology.


Where did the zodiac signs originate?  What are horoscopes based on nowadays?  What do scientists think about it? #hitecher_explains

Where did the zodiac signs originate? What are horoscopes based on nowadays? What do scientists think about it? #hitecher_explains

Do you think horoscopes are anti-scientific predictions or quite real and valid ways of knowing what will happen to you in the near future?  Take your time to answer - we have a lot to say about astrology, the zodiac signs and scientists' attitudes towards them.
When will we colonise Mars?  Scientists' predictions and their scientific rationale. #hitecher_explains

When will we colonise Mars? Scientists' predictions and their scientific rationale. #hitecher_explains

Elon Musk plans to transport about a million people to Mars by 2050 and set up a full-fledged colony on the planet.