Facebook - news, articles, analytics
Facebook created by Mark Zuckerberg has truly revolutionized the technological world and impacted Internet growth. This social network has, for many years, held the leadership position among all web resources in terms of searches, while the Fb application has broken all records in App Store and Google Play downloads. In this Section, you will find news and various materials on this Internet giant.
A New Scandal: Facebook Providing User Data to Companies
New Facebook Vulnerability Affects 90 Million Users
Facebook introduces a system for assessing the reputation of users
Facebook promises to use 100% renewable energy by the late 2020
Facebook updates their advertising policy regarding cryptocurrency
Twitter follows Facebook and Google and bans ICO and cryptocurrencies ads
#DeleteFacebook. Social network problems continue
Facebook shares drop 7% due to the scandal with Cambridge Analytica
Facebook bans the advertising of Crypto-Currencies and ICO's
Facebook purchased startup for remote verification of documents