cancer treatment

Today, oncological diseases are a leading cause of death. Experts in medicine, chemistry and biology are hard at work developing medications and treatment methods. The fight against cancer is made difficult by the fact that it’s not just an illness with specific symptoms and causes. Oncological diseases are caused by DNA mutations that lead to malfunctions of various systems inside people’s bodies. Essentially, a specific set of mutations represents a separate disease that needs to be tackled. Personalized treatment is considered the most promising approach: a specific set of medications aimed at preventing tumor growth is developed for each patient.

Genetic Scissors CRISPR/Cas9: The Greatest Technology of the 21st Century

Genetic Scissors CRISPR/Cas9: The Greatest Technology of the 21st Century

In 2016, the UK’s HFEA (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority) became the first government agency to approve the genetic modification of human embryos using CRISPR/Cas9 technology.
Contemporary science and medicine in the fight against cancer

Contemporary science and medicine in the fight against cancer

In just a few years, scientists are hoping to achieve a breakthrough in diagnostics and treatment of oncological diseases. Modern technologies like artificial intelligence and VR are already finding widespread...
Scientists grow blood vessels from stem cells

Scientists grow blood vessels from stem cells

This spells a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer, diabetes and other diseases.\n
A New Way To Fight Cancer

A New Way To Fight Cancer

Researchers from the University of Basel have come up with a new way to fight cancer. After carefully studying cancerous cells, these scientists made a discovery that could become the key to fighting this...
Cancer treatment revolution: scientists received Nobel Prize for developing immunotherapy

Cancer treatment revolution: scientists received Nobel Prize for developing immunotherapy

This year the Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine has been given to James Ellison and Tasuki Honze who created a new cancer treatment method. Researchers have been working on methods...