Tech & Security - page 13

Protests in Hong Kong: dating sites and augmented reality games

Protests in Hong Kong: dating sites and augmented reality games

Hong Kong has been hit by a wave of protests. Government control over the Internet and messengers has inspired the opposition to come up with creative and unexpected cooperation methods.
Cubic Motion to Create Virtual Copies of People

Cubic Motion to Create Virtual Copies of People

The level of facial expressions and bodily movements digitalization has reached such a high level that it does not need any subsequent manual adjustment.
This technology will forever change the movie industry

This technology will forever change the movie industry

Epic Games and Unreal Engine recently presented a new development that will fundamentally transform the approach to filming.

Look for your own secret documents on Google

How to hide important information from an all-seeing search engine

US Scientists Developing a New Type of Non-lethal Weapons

Pentagon has been reported to be working on a new generation of lasers. The devices can be used to transmit voice messages or even deafen a potential enemy.

Combine Harvesters to Join Unmanned Vehicles

Russian Rusagro holding company and Cognitive Technologies have introduced Agrodroid, a full-fledged system for autonomous control of agricultural machinery.

Cyber security experts warn of a new virus spreading via SMS

According to ESET, the malware is relatively harmless as it was created by inexperienced hackers. 

World’s first robot race held in Spain

The event took place at the Monteblanco Hippodrome. In this competition, regular drivers were replaced by racing cars with autonomous control systems.

A New Renewable Energy Source Found at Stanford

According to scientists, areas where ocean and fresh waters mingle can produce a huge amount of energy for mankind. It can be used for the operation of wastewater purification systems.

Swiss Scientists Present a “Smart Glove”

The stretchable electronic glove performs superbly in gesture recognition, operates even in complete darkness and is cheap to manufacture.

Scientists Create Clean Diesel Fuel

Electric cars are called the future of the automotive industry as they can save our planet’s environment. However, a team of Belgian and Dutch scientists have challenged this statement by creating clean diesel fuel.

Japan Presents Olympic Awards Made from Recycled Gadgets

About the plans of 2020 Olympic Games organizing committee to make medals out of unserviceable smartphones and tablet PCs. The organizers have already decided on award designs and measured the quantity of the material collected.

A new Hyperloop speed record is set

Ilon Mask arranged another Hyperloop Pod Competition, in which the German team set a new record for the capsule speed, winning the tournament again.

Flyboard Air: military hoverboard demonstration sparks outrage in Paris

The hoverboard was presented during a military parade in Paris, which is a traditional part of the Bastille Day celebrations. The show made waves among experts and civilians alike. 

Dolphin 1 — a New Generation Lifebuoy 

Dolphin 1 differs from a regular lifebuoy in that it is remote-controlled. A rescuer can stay on the shore, while Dolphin 1 propels itself out to the drowning person.
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