Business & Startups - page 9

Yandex Conference concluded in Moscow

Yandex Conference concluded in Moscow

On May 23, Moscow became the setting for Yet another Conference (YaC) - an annual event where Yandex representatives showcase their latest features. The conference - running under the official slogan of ‘The future is in the details!’ - was very eventful.
USPS tests autonomous trucks

USPS tests autonomous trucks

American postal service USPS has recently started testing autonomous trucks made by startup TuSimple. The tests will run for a total of two weeks.
Minecraft Earth to follow the success of Pokemon Go

Minecraft Earth to follow the success of Pokemon Go

Ten years ago, the famous game of Minecraft was first released. When celebrating this anniversary, Microsoft announced the upcoming summer release of Minecraft Earth: a new game within this game universe that would actively use augmented reality technology.

Autonomous electric trucks launched in Sweden

T-pod, a prototype of a completely autonomous electric truck, was first introduced two years ago by Swedish company Einride. Logistics company DB Schenker expressed great interest in the vehicle, and the truck passed all tests in 2018. It has recently been put to commercial use.

The world’s fastest plane: what will it look like?

US-based company Hermeus has announced plans to create a new ultrasonic commercial liner. If their official announcement is to be believed, the vehicle will have a maximum Mach number of 5 (approximately 6100 km/h) which will earn it a position as the fastest plane in the world.

Flying taxis are one step closer to reality

German-based company Lilium Jet has been talking about plans to create an electric flying taxi service for a long time, with the ultimate goal of reducing traffic on the streets and harmful emissions in the air. Their prototype airplane has recently made its first flight.

Buchla Thunder: the new best friend of gamers and musicians

Sensel announced plans to build the multifunctional Morph interface back in 2015. Funding for the project was collected two years later, and the company has just released the Buchla Thunder controller, which was created as an overlay for Morph.

British company organizes first-ever jetpack race

British jetpack manufacturer Gravity Industries signed a contract with XBlades Entertainment to conduct the first jetpack race in history. The companies are also planning on creating a jetpack league. This initiative will benefit development of this technology and attract new investors into the industry.

Scape - best friend of autonomous transport and Augmented Reality

We need an accurate digital city map in order to truly integrate augmented reality (AR) technology into our lives and enable autonomous vehicles and delivery drones to move freely around cities. And it seems about to appear.

25 Tons of Weight Maneuvered by Hand: A Unique Building Technology

Egyptian pyramids, stunning statues on Easter Island and other amazing monuments of ancient cultures have been puzzling scientists for many decades: how did people manage to create anything that grand without having construction equipment? However, engineers have found a way to replicate their success.

Speedgate: a new sport created by a neural network

Most sports are rooted in traditional craft and leisure activities practiced by peoples around the world, but there are also some sports that were invented on purpose. Speedgate, a game that was recently created by a neural network, falls in the latter category.

Voxan и motocross rider Max Biaggi to break record on electric motorcycle speed

In 2013, Voxan presented its Wattman electric motorcycle which was instantly named the most powerful in the world. But this title was later taken by other companies, and Voxan could no longer do anything to change that. Until now.

House modeled after termite mounds built in Africa

There’s a new Eastgate office center in Harare, Zimbabwe, which was built by architect Mick Pierce and heavily inspired by nature. The building was modeled after termite mounds.

Adobe creates artificial intelligence removing entire objects from video clips

Almost every computer user has heard about the Adobe Photoshop software. The digital giant has recently presented its innovation, which will allow the company to gain a stronger foothold in the visual editors market.

NASA announces finalists in Mars habitat design contest

Launched in 2015, the 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge is finally coming to a close. The objective for the challenge was to select the best habitat concepts for life on the Red Planet. Finalists will share a $100 thousand prize and take part in a final Grand Prix in the beginning of May.
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