Med & Bio - page 7

Prosthetic Limb Perfectly Emulating Foot Structure Developed at Stanford University

Prosthetic Limb Perfectly Emulating Foot Structure Developed at Stanford University

The scientists who were involved in the project assure that their new prosthesis will not only do a great job handling any terrain, but also prevent limping.
Texas scientists make breakthrough in immune system research

Texas scientists make breakthrough in immune system research

T-lymphocytes play a critical role in the operation of our immune systems. But until recently, scientists were unable to understand how these cells learned to identify harmful cells. Scientists from the University of Texas have recently lifted the shroud of this mystery and followed by sharing an illustrative video with the world.
Hens Are Happy: Scientists Find Protein Substitute for Eggs

Hens Are Happy: Scientists Find Protein Substitute for Eggs

Chicken eggs are a staple ingredient of modern day eating and an excellent source of proteins needed by the human body. But the market is full of counterfeits making this product the cause of the greatest number of food poisoning cases.

Researchers Explain the Secret of Male Peacock Spider Coloration

This week Proceedings of the Royal Society published an article, in which scientists disclosed the results of their research on the coloration of male peacock spiders. The study was headed by Dakota McCoy, a biologist at Harvard University.

Hydrogel to Stop Arterial Bleeding

Chinese scientists have invented a hydrogel that can stop arterial bleeding, a most dangerous kind of bleeding to human health. The innovation has already been tested on animals.

Biologists have discovered mysterious sea larvae which produce unknown-to-science creatures

The ocean is, and the habitat of the species unknown to modern science as well as the least explored place on our planet. The Smithsonian Institution biologists have recently discovered microscopic larvae from which new creatures - so far unknown to man - may be borne.

Scientists Create a Sensor Turning Blood Tests into a Thing of the Past

Scientists at Fluid Interfaces Group organization have created a sensor that collects data on biological composition of saliva. The device that is fixed to a patient’s cheek can completely replace blood tests.

Contemporary science and medicine in the fight against cancer

In just a few years, scientists are hoping to achieve a breakthrough in diagnostics and treatment of oncological diseases. Modern technologies like artificial intelligence and VR are already finding widespread...

ISS Specialists Find a Way to Maintain Astronauts’ Health

Space flights adversely affect astronauts’ health. Particularly affected are their muscles and bones, therefore astronauts have to undergo long courses of rehabilitation after space expeditions. However, ISS specialists have developed a method to make them considerably shorter.

Drone makes first kidney transplant delivery

Scientists from the University of Maryland have transported a human kidney using a drone, followed by successful transplantation into a critically ill patient. This is the first such case in history.

Gene of DNA – the most comprehensive model

Modeling the one billion atoms that make up an entire gene of DNA is not easy, but scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory have done their best to do so. The model they designed will give an insight into the DNA functioning and help develop treatments for many diseases.

Neural Network Learns to Translate Brain Signals into Speech

Artificial intelligence developed by scientists from the University of California, San Francisco, has learned to translate human lip movements into speech. What is surprising, is that it works, even if a person does not move his lips, but only thinks about it.

EpiWear - a life-saving device for allergic people

Highly allergic people know all too well that there are moments when an epinephrine injection is the only remedy against a dangerous attack. But it is impossible to permanently carry around a drug-filled syringe, so allergic people’s health is constantly under threat.

New discovery brings us closer to 3D printing major organs

There has been talk about the potential of 3D printing in medicine for some time now. At present, it’s not yet possible to print a large, healthy organ, because it takes too much time, killing some cells. A new technology can prevent this.

Night of the Living Dead: scientists ‘resurrect’ a pig  

It is assumed that all animals die as soon as their brains die. However, scientists have recently managed to disprove this fact by restoring brain cell activity in a pig 4 hours after the animal’s death.