Scientists teach ancient mummy to talk  - Hitecher
Scientists teach ancient mummy to talk 

Scientists teach ancient mummy to talk 

Nesyamun is one of the oldest existing mummies in the world. Despite its age, the mummy’s speech organs remain intact. 

Nesyamun is one of the oldest existing mummies in the world. Despite its age, the mummy’s speech organs remain intact. 

The mummy Nesyamun was first discovered approximately 200 years ago when British scientists transported it to Leeds, United Kingdom. Prior to this discovery, the remains had spent almost 3 thousand years in the Temple of Amun in Egypt. During his life, Nesyamun had been a priest during the reign of Ramesses XI.

The mummy stands out due to its excellent condition, which has made it possible for a group of British and German archeologists to scan its speech organs using a CT scanner. This scan was then used to create a copy of Nesyamun’s vocal tract with a 3D printer. 

This device cannot replicate full-fledged speech, as a lot depends on the movements made by a person’s tongue and soft palate, as well as the passage of air through their lungs. Nevertheless, the scientists managed to extract a single sound. It resembles something between the sounds ‘eh’ and ‘ah’. These results aren’t particularly impressive, but what more can you expect from a mummy? You can hear the moan of this ancient priest in the video below.

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