Tesla cars start mining Bitcoin - Hitecher
Tesla cars start mining Bitcoin

Tesla cars start mining Bitcoin

The onboard computer was reformatted into a Bitcoin node. 

The onboard computer was reformatted into a Bitcoin node. 

Some car enthusiasts are also interested in cryptocurrencies, and this fact is clearly illustrated in the video. Here you can see a Tesla onboard computer that has been reformatted into an autonomous mining farm operating exclusively through the car’s resources. 

The Tesla onboard computer is quite similar to a regular computer, which makes it easy to use it to start mining cryptocurrencies. The key is a high-speed Internet connection that is stable enough to handle these processes. 

Enthusiasts made use of the Bcoin project for mining new coins: this tool makes it possible to mine cryptocurrencies through a regular browser, as long as your device is powerful enough.

However, the economic gains from this kind of mining are dubious, and the lack of disk space makes it impossible to use this node for extended periods of type. This means that we are unlikely to transition to full-fledged crypto cars anytime soon, but it’s an interesting idea to consider.

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