Verge coin (XVG) - price and value of Verge - Hitecher


by Ethan Oakes

About the Verge Project Cryptography’s chief advantage is that it delivers real confidentiality. However, it is known that bitcoin cannot be called a fully anonymous currency, as there is a public transaction...

About the Verge Project Cryptography’s chief advantage is that it delivers real confidentiality. However, it is known that bitcoin cannot be called a fully anonymous currency, as there is a public transaction...

About the Verge Project

Cryptography’s chief advantage is that it delivers real confidentiality. However, it is known that bitcoin cannot be called a fully anonymous currency, as there is a public transaction ledger, where the addresses are connected to one another. In other words, if you wish, you can track each user’s transaction history. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are trying to solve this problem. The first such attempt was made back in 2014 by DogeCoinDark project subsequently rebranded under a more concise name of Verge.


Verge XVG

0.0047107291120925 USD -1.11%)

0,00000006 BTC



Market cap

77.83 M USD

volume (24h)

5.88 M USD

The anonymity of this crypto currency is achieved through the use of confidential networks, such as Tor or I2P, as well as the Proof of Work protocol. The project’s other distinctive feature is that it ensures a very high transaction speed (up to 5 seconds), high throughput and full decentralization.

Verge offers a wide range of wallets for any operating system, and its revolutionary Tor Android guarantees security when using the platform on mobile devices. All of this shows that the system is ready to be implemented on a mass scale.

The coin can be mined using five different algorithms. This feature was implemented to ensure that any person could receive income irrespective of what kind of equipment he or she has.

Verge Team

Verge’s chief developer is Sunerok. The name of the person using this nickname is Justin. He is very tight-lipped and never talks about himself, so very little is known about his biography.

Apart from Justin, there are more than 30 people from around the world involved in the project. It should be noted that all of them are volunteers and work for free because they believe in the project. They include many specialists in programming, marketing and finance. The team is completely open for cooperation and new ideas and extensively communicates with those who are interested in Verge. The democracy of this platform has won over many people around the world giving Verge a widest public support.

Verge tockenomics

Verge is not a company and it has not had an ICO. There has been no pre-mining either, and team members are equal in their rights to ordinary users.

The coin got listed on December 25, 2014. The price of 1 XVG (as the Verge token is called) was zero at the time. By now, it has grown to US$ 0.013266. Its market capitalization totals US$ 202,729,129.

The price is so low because Verge’s total supply amounts to 16.5 billion coins. It reduces the cryptocurrency’s price, but can make it more attractive as a payment instrument in future.


Verge is clearly an attractive project. It didn’t have any loud ICOs or aggressive PR campaigns. It has only one developer and a team of enthusiasts working for the common cause and for the sake of the idea. It is a truly inspiring venture. I believe this coin should be added to your portfolio, especially if you believe that the future lies in anonymous cryptocurrencies.

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Ethan Oakes

Ethan Oakes

Regular Hitecher contributor since 2017, journalist, Master in Economic Security. His interests include programming, robotics, computer games, and financial markets.

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