Xiaomi to Launch a Super Charger - Hitecher
Xiaomi to Launch a Super Charger

Xiaomi to Launch a Super Charger

Information about the project was posted on the page of the company’s representative Lou Weibin in Weibo social network. It shows a comparative test of Oppo 50W SuperVOOC charger vs Xiaomi’s new device that proved to be one-third faster than its opponent.

Information about the project was posted on the page of the company’s representative Lou Weibin in Weibo social network. It shows a comparative test of Oppo 50W SuperVOOC charger vs Xiaomi’s new device that proved to be one-third faster than its opponent.

It was for a reason that the new device was compared to Oppo 50W SuperVOOC because it is considered to be the fastest charger available today. The video shows the device being connected to a smartphone with a 3700 mAh battery, while Xiaomi was to charge a phone with a 4000 mAh battery. Although the task given to Xiaomi’s innovation was more complex, it coped with it much faster.

The gadget was half charged in a mere 7 minutes, and full charge accumulated 17 minutes into the charging process. During that time, SuperVOOC 50W charged the battery only by 65% ​​.

According to Lou Weibin, the company is getting ready for mass release of the new device. It may come with the company’s new flagships, but owners of other gadgets will appreciate it as well.


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