Sega mobile app virtually transports you to Japan  - Hitecher
Sega mobile app virtually transports you to Japan 

Sega mobile app virtually transports you to Japan 

The Sega Catcher Online app has been released on mobile platforms. The app will allow users to remotely play on real claw machines in Japan. 

The Sega Catcher Online app has been released on mobile platforms. The app will allow users to remotely play on real claw machines in Japan. 

Claw machines (or crane games) are a popular form of entertainment in many countries, a must-have for any city fair or celebration. But what can you do if you really want to play, but there are no claw machines nearby? Simply log in to the Sega Catcher Online app and try your luck with a machine all the way in Japan. The PC version of the app was introduced last month, and now it has also become available on iOS and Android.

The program is currently limited to US residents, who are notorious for their love of gambling. The user has to pay between 100 and 200 points for each new game, and these points are purchased for real money. You can purchase 130 points for $1.99. The prizes are regularly delivered to the States, and for an additional fee, you can request rapid delivery. Sega Catcher Online also includes a built-in bonus system and a referral program.

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