Scientists uncover the mystery behind an immortal tree - Hitecher
Scientists uncover the mystery behind an immortal tree

Scientists uncover the mystery behind an immortal tree

They studied the gingko tree, which shows minimal signs of aging, according to biologists. 

They studied the gingko tree, which shows minimal signs of aging, according to biologists. 

What is immortality? Most people would say that it is a state where the body is not susceptible to aging. Believe it or not, but our planet is host to a living organism that fits this description. According to Richard Dixon, a biologist at the University of North Texas, the gingko tree essentially does not age. 

Today, the planet is host to many gingko trees that have been alive for over a thousand years, and many scientists suspect that some plants are even older. What is the reason behind their longevity? After studying young and old specimens, the researchers noticed that older trees had thinner growth rings. This means that their growth slowed down with age. This phenomenon can also be explained by meristems in the cambium of gingko trees, or cells that resemble animal stem cells in function. 

Naturally, gingko trees can only thrive under the appropriate external conditions, and they are susceptible to illnesses just like other plants. Nevertheless, these trees still have an extraordinary lifespan, which makes them an attractive target for scientific research.

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