Rainfall on Titan - Hitecher
Rainfall on Titan

Rainfall on Titan

Scientists thoroughly analyzed the data obtained by Cassini spacecraft and came to the conclusion that there was a rainfall on Titan (Saturn’s moon). This natural phenomenon was recorded at the north pole...

Scientists thoroughly analyzed the data obtained by Cassini spacecraft and came to the conclusion that there was a rainfall on Titan (Saturn’s moon). This natural phenomenon was recorded at the north pole...

Scientists thoroughly analyzed the data obtained by Cassini spacecraft and came to the conclusion that there was a rainfall on Titan (Saturn’s moon). This natural phenomenon was recorded at the north pole of the celestial body.

The presence of liquid on Titan makes it an important research object. The probe went into orbit back in 2004 and made photographs of the space object and studied the processes occurring on it over the next 13 years.

The spacecraft’s mission continued until September 2017, but the information gathered required a long interpretation and analysis process, therefore, it was not until now that any definite conclusions could have been made. The precipitation fell in the summer of 2016. Such events are extremely rare on Titan: some parts of the moon have not had any rains for more than 1000 years.

The chemical composition of the precipitation remains a matter of controversy, but the majority of the scientific community believe that what falls on the Titan’s surface is methane that subsequently evaporates.

The recorded event has triggered the discussion of new research plans for Titan and other space objects.

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