Ergonomic laptop replacement for writers - Hitecher
Ergonomic laptop replacement for writers

Ergonomic laptop replacement for writers

For many years, creative writers used typewriters, which were gradually replaced by personal computers and laptops. Will the new console be able to take the place of the usual typing tools?

For many years, creative writers used typewriters, which were gradually replaced by personal computers and laptops. Will the new console be able to take the place of the usual typing tools?

Working at the computer for hours causes tension in the arms and neck, which over time can result in certain health problems. The creators of the ergonomic system based on the Keyboardio Model 01 keyboard kept this factor in mind and made their brainchild so that the user could work calmly not only typing at the desk, but even sitting on the couch.

As a display, the authors of the idea use an Android e-ink tablet. The angle of the screen is controlled by a wire stand with clips, which is mounted on a Roost laptop stand. A Kensington trackball connected to the built-in USB hub is attached to the keyboard with a Velcro. 

All parts of the console can be found for purchase, so one can assemble a similar system on one’s own. You can see how it all works in the video below.

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