The robot that does your paperwork for you - Hitecher
The robot that does your paperwork for you

The robot that does your paperwork for you

Despite all the talk of optimizing work processes and reducing bureaucracy, paperwork still takes up a significant portion of our time. A robot created by startup Ripcord can put an end to this problem once and for all.

Despite all the talk of optimizing work processes and reducing bureaucracy, paperwork still takes up a significant portion of our time. A robot created by startup Ripcord can put an end to this problem once and for all.

Not only does the need to constantly handle stacks of paperwork disrupt office workers’ peace of mind, it also has a devastating impact on the environment. But robots exist to make our lives easier, right?

Ripcord has developed a gigantic machine that scans documents at a record-high speed. The device can also locate and remove staples, working with paper of any size or thickness.

The quality of work is truly impressive. This fact was appreciated by many investors, leading to $65 million financing. Tech giant Apple is one of the backers.

Robots intended for office work might not be as exciting as Mars rovers or supercars, but it’s worth noting that they can make our lives a lot more pleasant. Work process automation will free up a lot of time for humanity to focus on other, more important tasks. For example — space exploration...

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