Experts evaluate Huawei HongMeng operating system  - Hitecher
Experts evaluate Huawei HongMeng operating system 

Experts evaluate Huawei HongMeng operating system 

The Chinese company started developing its own OS after the US International Trade Administration banned sales of American software. These regulations will not affect phones and tablets that have already been released. 

The Chinese company started developing its own OS after the US International Trade Administration banned sales of American software. These regulations will not affect phones and tablets that have already been released. 

News have recently surfaced about Huawei inviting people to test HongMeng - their new operating system which is set to replace Android. The first expert reviews from people who have tested this new software are already appearing online. 

According to reviews, the system features a new kind of animation, including one for the loading screen. The control panel and search window have also changed. HongMeng will also feature a new ringtone and a unique notification mode. 

However, the new OS also has some drawbacks. The beta testers have reported on issues with the new camera: the app comes with limited features. We can only hope that developers will notice and fix this issue. 

It’s too early to make a full evaluation of the system, as many features are currently unavailable. In general, HongMeng made a positive impression on the experts, but the system has a long way to go until it is acceptance - from fine-tuning and testing to the ultimate challenge of the market.

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