Cornell University has discovered how to manipulate electronics using discreet teeth gestures - Hitecher
Cornell University has discovered how to manipulate electronics using discreet teeth gestures

Cornell University has discovered how to manipulate electronics using discreet teeth gestures

This is achieved by using TeethTap, a wearable system that converts discreet teeth gestures into commands.

This is achieved by using TeethTap, a wearable system that converts discreet teeth gestures into commands.

The TeethTap system was developed at Cornell University's Advanced Intelligent Interface Laboratory. The device has an inertial measurement unit and microphones. The device can be placed behind the ear and onto the user's temple. Sometime in the foreseeable future, the developers would like to make the system more compact to be fully integrated into an earpiece or glasses.

The technology has fully demonstrated its worth: the accuracy of the electronic commands during tests was 90% positive, with more false-negative signals than false-positive ones. Currently, the developers are continuing to work on the system to reduce the number of errors completely, so the device can be used during active movements.

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