Toyota LQ concept car will be equipped with next-generation virtual assistant - Hitecher
Toyota LQ concept car will be equipped with next-generation virtual assistant

Toyota LQ concept car will be equipped with next-generation virtual assistant

The new interface will keep drivers awake during their journey and introduces a new system to control the vehicle.

The new interface will keep drivers awake during their journey and introduces a new system to control the vehicle.

The new electric vehicle released by Toyota LQ is a continuation of the ideas and technologies used in Concept-i, which was introduced by Toyota back in 2017. Their new vehicle is even more autonomous thanks to a new virtual interface called Yui which was developed by Japanese engineers. It can learn and react based on the driver’s behavior and requests. This focus on connecting humans and machines is the key selling point of the Japanese company. It is also the main reason for the introduction of the virtual assistant. 

The program offers the option of adjusting the temperature and lighting in the car. Yui controls the built-in functionality in the driver’s seat which is geared towards keeping the driver awake and alert. This is achieved by adjusting the angle of the seat and sending cold air to the back of the seat.

External light signals help to establish connections with the outside world. The car is equipped with exclusively LED lights, which is an economical and eco-friendly solution!

The vehicle has an autopilot with level 4 autonomy, meaning that although it is equipped with a steering wheel, the vehicle can still drive without the driver’s participation. It also comes with Automated Valet technology developed together with Panasonic, which features an automated drive-up and park service.

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