Hitecher - page 78

Scientists Unveil the Origin of Life of Earth

Scientists Unveil the Origin of Life of Earth

There are questions that have for centuries occupied the minds of leading thinkers. The answer to one of them has finally been found.
New Details Emerge around Samsung Galaxy S10

New Details Emerge around Samsung Galaxy S10

Pictures of Samsung’s new flagship have seeped into the Internet. One of its new features is a cryptocurrency storage application.\n
Elon Musk Announces Tesla’s New Functionality

Elon Musk Announces Tesla’s New Functionality

With the new Sentry Mode to be introduced soon, as announced by Elon Musk, people will not have to worry about the safety of their vehicles any more.\n

Scientists Discover New Type of Blood Vessels

German scientists have proven that bones contain a whole system of blood vessels.

Facebook to Invest In Space

Tech giants are starting to get into space exploration. What are they looking for? Why is Facebook building observatories?

Professor Avi Loeb talks about mysterious interstellar object Oumuamua

On October 19, 2017, scientists discovered an interstellar object passing through the Solar System. The asteroid was named Oumuamua. The unusual cigar-shaped object had an uncommon trajectory and had likely...

UN To Develop Diet of the Future

The Earth’s population is rapidly growing which is leading to a lack of food. International organizations are beginning to look for solutions.\n

Man Against Machine

Robots are being attacked more and more often. Where is this aggression coming from and can people and machines peacefully coexist?

Ducati Plans to Enter Electric Motorcycle Market

Ducati is a leading motorcycle manufacturing company. The company’s products are highly popular in Italy and other countries. Ducati is currently owned by Audi AG corporation, which strengthens its status even...

A super hero’s suit demonstrates its worth on the army assault course

Inventor Richard Browning wearing his futuristic suit covers an army assault course and impresses the British military.\n

3D-printed Implant Tested On Mice

A 3D-printed part of a spinal cord helped a mouse regain the use of its legs. Human body parts are next.\n

Rainfall on Titan

Scientists thoroughly analyzed the data obtained by Cassini spacecraft and came to the conclusion that there was a rainfall on Titan (Saturn’s moon). This natural phenomenon was recorded at the north pole...

Astronomers have discovered an exoplanet that might be made ofliquid water

The planet in the constellation Reticulum is almost three times the Earth's radius

A bug on Twitter allows you to write tweets and personal messages on behalf of another user

To exploit the vulnerability, you just need to know the phone number of the other person.

A new algorithm brings photos and pictures to life

Animated virtual characters make AR applications more spectacular.