Hitecher - page 77

New technology that translates thoughts into words

New technology that translates thoughts into words

This week scientists from Columbia University (USA) have distinguished themselves by creating a program for synthesizing human speech based on "reading" thoughts.
Latvia has come up with an unusual use for lightning

Latvia has come up with an unusual use for lightning

As it turns out, a common natural phenomenon may well be useful... in the music industry! The Latvian company, EricaSynths, has released an outlandish musical instrument.
In Taiwan they have created a computer desk

In Taiwan they have created a computer desk

Many users put their PC on the table. But the Taiwanese company went even further and created a computer built right into the worktop.

Phones Can Now Be Charged through Wi-Fi

The technology invented by American scientists will allow phones to be charged from electromagnetic waves generated by alternating current, such as Wi-Fi-signals.

A 500 year experiment

In 2014, a grandiose project was launched to determine the age limit of long-lived bacteria. It will take half a millennium.

Hypercars that run on electric motors: they're not as far away as we think

Electric motors will soon be used not only in ordinary cars, but also in racing supercars and premium cars.

Smart prostheses are around the corner

New artificial limbs based on AI technology will allow them to adapt to the needs of their users.

The black hole Sagittarius A* will be photographed

Images of black holes have always been difficult to capture. But now this problem has been solved, and the first snapshot of a strange space object is waiting for us.\n

General Atomics to Teach UK Drones to Prevent Collisions

The American company will equip the United Kingdom’s aircraft with state-of-the-art electronics expanding the scope of their use for military and civilian purposes.\n

Antivaccine Movement Threatens the Safety of a County in Washington State

The antivaccine movement is gaining increasingly more supporters around the world, especially in the USA. The developments are taking a threatening turn.\n

Europe gets ready to conquer the Moon

Mass media outlets haven’t paid much attention to the European Space Agency’s space programme. And it is in vain, because the ESA has been stepping up its efforts in this area.\n

Researchers Warn of an Environmental Disaster Risk

Most people have heard about the dangers of carbon dioxide emissions into the air. Scientists have come up with another argument why mankind should abandon its destructive policies.

Language for human-autonomous cars communication is here

Jaguar, keen to facilitate the interaction between people and driverless taxis, and has developed a language of its own for this purpose.\n

Amazon Working on Unmanned Deliveries

Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, has launched the development of an unmanned goods delivery system.\n

Valet Parking Robots to Park Our Vehicles

The technology developed by a French brand will help you to park a car, where there seems to be no space at all.\n