Science & Education - page 14

Cactus-based plastic created in Mexico

Cactus-based plastic created in Mexico

An alternative to traditional plastic was recently developed at the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac in Mexico. Unlike regular plastic, this new material is biodegradable.
Bon appetit: carnivorous plants can consume vertebrate animals  

Bon appetit: carnivorous plants can consume vertebrate animals  

Until recently, the prevailing scientific thought was that carnivorous plants only ate flies, spiders and caterpillars. However, a new study shows that these conclusions were made prematurely. Canadian scientists have revealed the true abilities of carnivorous plants.
What are lasers?

What are lasers?

Lasers are a source of great excitement, often reminding us of science fiction films and future scientific developments. These devices seem supernatural, and have been employed by creators of blockbusters...

The first solar eclipse video is now available in 4K

The first solar eclipse was captured on camera in 1900. The author of the historical video was the conjurer Neville Maskelyne, an astronomy and radio engineering fan. This legendary film is now available in 4K.

Scientists Have Spotted One of the Rarest Objects in the Entire Space

Space is vast and it has many objects that we know to exist, but have never seen yet. Now, there is one such object less, as astronomers have recently spotted one of the rarest neutron stars in the Universe.

Scientists reveal dinosaur with bat wings

For many years, dinosaurs were depicted as enormous reptiles covered in scales, but several recent scientific discoveries confirm a new theory that many ancient inhabitants of our planet were actually covered in feathers. Researchers have recently discovered a new dinosaur species whose wings were covered in skin.

Scientists discover one of the world’s oldest trees

Scientists from the University of Arkansas published materials on discovering a 2624 year-old tree in a swamp near the Black River (North Carolina).

Scientists Find a New Species of Millipede

Amber is a unique material where a lot of interesting things can be found. Scientist of the Bulgarian National Museum of Natural History discovered in a piece of amber a millipede that lived on our planet about 99 million years ago.

Protein molecules help to store a Japanese artist’s engraving

Researchers from Harvard and Northwestern University of Chicago have come up with a new way to store information which involves depositing data in protein molecules.

Arsenic breathing microbe discovered in the Pacific Ocean

Arsenic is a toxic and carcinogenic chemical, but the Earth is home to a diverse number of species which includes organisms that not only remain unharmed by it, but need it for survival.

Borophene vs Graphene

Borophene is a two-dimensional monoatomic material first synthesized in 2015. Its properties are still being studied, but it is already called the “killer of graphene”, for the production of which fantastic amounts of money have recently been allocated.

Russian scientists record pulsar ‘voices’

Pulsars are dead stars characterized by their constant rotation and emission of strong impulses. Scientists love them for this, as pulsars are perfect beacons that can be used for navigation in space by calculating the distance between objects.

NASA shows boulders on Asteroid Bennu

At present, Asteroid Bennu is being rigorously studied by interstellar station OSIRIS-REx. Its approach will happen next year, which is why NASA is currently creating a detailed map of the object. The agency has made several photos of the asteroid and posted them online.

China to build a base on the Moon in the next 10 years

The Chinese media have announced Beijing's plans to build a research base on the Earth’s satellite within the next decade, according to spokespersons for the Chinese National Space Agency.

Roscosmos Details the Rockets to Fly to the Moon

Roscosmos Director Dmitry Rogozin met up with representatives of other countries’ space agencies, they visited the Russian Mission Control Center together and discussed the details of Moon exploration.
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