Crash test reveals the safest electric car - Hitecher
Crash test reveals the safest electric car

Crash test reveals the safest electric car

The American non-profit Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has conducted a series of tests that identified the safest electric car. It was an e-tron model from the car manufacturer Audi.

The American non-profit Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has conducted a series of tests that identified the safest electric car. It was an e-tron model from the car manufacturer Audi.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, financed by a number of insurance companies, is one of the largest independent organisations aimed at reducing the number of traffic accidents. The IIHS has recently conducted a number of crash tests, which resulted in Audi e-tron recognised as the safest electric car in the world.

The car performed well on front crashes, as well as accidents on the driver’s side or the front passenger seat. The vehicle’s rear and roof were less impressive. The car's safety system functioned perfectly, slowing down in emergencies.

Some criticism was leveled at the headlamp's high beam - the angle of illumination was not big enough causing insufficient visibility. This is the only point where the car was rated "good", but not "excellent".

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