Hitecher - page 4

A new cell type with regenerative properties is discovered in the lungs

A new cell type with regenerative properties is discovered in the lungs

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have found a new kind of cell that develops in human bronchioles and plays a crucial role in the respiratory system.
Microplastics discovered in human blood

Microplastics discovered in human blood

It is virtually impossible to imagine the current world without plastic. It is almost ubiquitous: plastic is used in food production, everyday items, and even clothing.
Quantum batteries enable electric cars to be charged in 3 minutes

Quantum batteries enable electric cars to be charged in 3 minutes

EVs are not as popular as conventional cars because they have a long charge time and a low battery capacity. This means that a vehicle can usually travel only for 120 kilometers (75 miles).

Scientists find 100 cases of humans transmitting their virus to animals

Since the COVID-19 pandemic and the theory that bats carry the coronavirus, many scientists have become interested in how disease arises and develops in the animal-human relationship.

A "Smart" exoskeleton will be able to move instead of a person

The IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters research center has created a new lightweight lower-body exoskeleton made of carbon fiber.

Scientists have created an Artificial Intelligence that can create AI all by itself!

The potential of AI is limitless, and scientists continue developing this field of knowledge, trying to create a full-fledged analog of the human brain capable of computing and thinking, creating, and even creating.

Alcohol causes a decrease in brain volume

Hardly anyone has ever questioned that a healthy brain and alcohol consumption are mutually exclusive.

The distrust of robots among AI users is growing

According to a new study from the University of Michigan, humans are becoming distrustful of robots. After making numerous mistakes, it is almost impossible for AI systems to regain their credibility.

Physical activity improves memory

It's not without reason that they say that movement is life because regular exercise turns out to have benefits for our muscles and our brains.

Hyundai to launch air taxi by 2028

Supernal, owned by Korean carmaker Hyundai Motor Group, has started the development of an electric aerial vehicle.

Scientists have completely deciphered the human genome

By 2003, the international Human Genome Project had deciphered 92% of the human genome.

The Milky Way is older than scientists originally thought

It turns out that the galaxy's thick disc began forming as early as 13 billion years ago. That's two billion years earlier than scientists had previously thought!

Video games are to be used to treat mental disorders

Video games have long been part of modern culture and everyday life for millions of people worldwide.

Tesla to begin production of humanoid robot

The model will be called Optimus. Its development is scheduled to start in 2023.